JOHNSTON, Iowa – The Iowa Corn Growers Association® and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board® proudly partner with Learfield IMG College on behalf of both Iowa State University and the University of Iowa Athletic Departments for the title sponsorship of the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series™. The Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series showcases how Iowa corn farmers impact our daily lives because many believe here in Iowa we grow corn, but the truth is, corn grows Iowa.

2019 marks the ninth year Iowa Corn has sponsored the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series which tracks the head-to-head matchups between the Iowa State Cyclones and the Iowa Hawkeyes with each victory earning points toward the overall series championship. The first event in the in-state rivalrywas the women’s soccer game which took place on August 29in Iowa City with the Iowa Hawkeyes taking home the first victory. Next up in the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series is the football game on September 14at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames with kickoff at 3 PM Central. Fans can follow the score of the series at

Official Terminology: The official trademarked name of the rivalry series between the University of Iowa and Iowa State University is the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series with a dash between Cy and Hawk. The hashtag for the game is #IACornCyHawk. Remember, the rivalry by any other name is not the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series!

Corn Grows Iowa campaign: Iowa Corn developed the Corn Grows Iowacampaign to highlight all the uses for corn. Corn is Iowa’s number one crop and farmers are proud of its many uses that benefit our entire state. It feeds our livestock, nourishes our families and provides clean-burning fuel for our world. You might think Iowa grows corn, but the truth is, corn grows Iowa. The Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series is a great way for farmers to share their story with more than 65 percent of Iowans tuning intothis football game. Iowa Corn farmer leaders are available for interviews.

LOGOS: Click hereto download the NEW official Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series logo. If you have any questions about the use of the logo or need a brand standard guide please contact Leesha Zimmerman at ISU licensing or Dale Arens at Iowa licensing.


The relationship between the Iowa Corn Growers Association® and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board® and the respective university athletics departments was secured by Learfield IMG College, multimedia rightsholder for both schools. The company’s locally based Cyclone Sports Properties and Hawkeye Sports Properties teams are dedicated to representing Iowa State and Iowa respectively. Learfield IMG College unlocks the value of college sports for brands and fans through an omnichannel platform. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, the company has long had the privilege of being an advocate for intercollegiate athletics and the student-athlete experience. Since 2008, it has served as title sponsor for the acclaimed Learfield IMG College Directors’ Cup, supporting athletic departments across all divisions.

The Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB), works to develop and defend markets, fund research, and provide education about corn and corn products.  The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) is a 7,500-member strong grassroots-driven organization, headquartered in Johnston, Iowa, serving members across the state, and lobbying on agricultural issues on behalf of its farmer members to create opportunities for long-term Iowa corn grower profitability. For more information, visit