In those early years, when we were much smaller, each morning the executive team would come to my office for a 10-minute stand-up meeting. Thats right, no sitting. We all stood around the room and everyone reported: engineering, accounting, sales, affiliate relations, sports, news, ag, etc. So, everyday (when I was n town) we met in my office at 9 am sharp. Usually these were informative and inspirational. Occasionally a fight would breakout. Not fisticuffs, but durn near. It was hugely valuable because this way everyone was up-to-speed on company goings-on. Of course then, the whole company was smaller than most units today.
Now, each manager manages how she or he feels is most effective. Some have daily stand-up meetings, I’m sure. Others hold weekly, longer, sit down meetings. The purpose isn’t so much problem solving, as it is communication. Everyone needs to know whats going on. I’d be interested to know how you communicate within your area.
I know Learfield Sports SVPs meet monthly for two days for communication. Roger, Greg, Stan, Andy and I meet monthly (for three days usually) to communicate. In fact, we met in Jefferson City Monday and Tuesday of this week. Stan was in charge this time and he led us through personal growth exercises; it was fun and challenging.